I have to say that I am disappointed in my recent service at Glory to God. About a week ago, one of the front brake lines broke on my truck, a 2003 GMC Sonoma. I made arrangements with Glory to God to have both front brake lines replaced. I was informed on Tuesday that the truck was completed and I could come and get it. And so I did. The price for the work was $269.08, which I thought was quite reasonable for what I thought had been done. However, after I got it home, I realized that the short front driver’s side line had been replaced completely while the passenger side line simply had a short piece of line spliced into the old one from the master cylinder, and the brakes were bled. Now, the passenger side line at the brake hose going into the caliper is corroded heavily. Is it serviceable? Yes, I can now use the truck. But, I believe that in a year or so, I will probably be having this work done all over again when that line breaks. Not to mention the fact that it gets very exciting driving when a brake line breaks and one has much less braking power at hand. This is why I requested that both front lines be replaced completely. $269.08 for replacing both front brake lines and bleeding the brakes? I think that would be very reasonable. However, for replacing one short brake line, a piece of another, and bleeding the brakes? This cost is excessive in my opinion, for I have a considerable amount of experience working on my own vehicles until a few years ago when I had some health problems and so I have a pretty good idea of what is involved. I have been a customer of Glory to God for close to twenty years if not quite a bit more than that. I think I became a customer in the 1990’s, but I’m not 100% sure if I remember this correctly. But during this time, I believe I have spent over $20,000 and probably more than $40,000 during these years at Glory to God. For some, that may not be much money. But for me, it is a lot. I have had a lot of work done here, and for many, many years I have been very satisfied. For much of the time that I’ve been a Glory to God customer, I would give their service 6 stars out of 5. But over the past year and a half: not so much. I understand that there have been many difficulties caused by the pandemic and I certainly take that into consideration. But there have been some mistakes made, some work that I felt was shoddy, and I have been much less satisfied. And with this job, the work was not done as I requested. As I said previously, I am disappointed. Will I give Glory to God another chance? Yes, I probably will. But, I am also considering very seriously looking for a different repair shop. Rob, just thought you would like to know. Sincerely, Rev. Timothy R. Puckett Pastor Emeritus-Frontier, Osseo, Jerome, and North Adams United Methodist Churches


Always treated my wife and I respectfully . Definitely earned my trust.


They were great, got our vehicle in the next day and they fixed it up right. I greatly appreciate doing business with Glory To God!!!






Overall great business with amazing customer service. They treat my daughter with respect and dignity and don't try to take advantage of her.


The staff is very kind and quite thorough. The only people I trust with my car!


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